Sanitation and Hygiene in Daudu Community

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene activities continued with community mobilization and sensitization in Benue state on the 21st August,2023.

The aim was to sustain good hygiene behaviors among community members in 10 communities starting with Daudu in Guma L.G.A.

The overall objective is to strengthen communities with knowledge and skills in order to achieve 'open defecation free' status. Prior to this, boreholes and ventilated improved latrines were provided to these communities in public places. However,households are encouraged to build toilets to complement the WASH facilities provided by the project in order to eliminate open defecation. WASH committees have been established and relevant foundations laid that promoted community- based hygiene improvement behaviors. The project which started in 2019, has recorded improvement in wellbeing and

reduction in incidences of waterborne diseases. This phase is to sustain the innovation and ensure optimal behavior change.

Goodwill messages were received from community gatekeepers including, Chiefs, religious leaders and the state Ministry of Water Resources and Rural Development. In collaboration with relevant state Agencies and Ministries,the overall targets will be achieved overtime. This activity is led by trained WASH committee members and supervised by Gede Foundation.