Gede Foundation marked the 2024 World Humanitarian Day, themed "Act for Humanity," with a community outreach event at Jabi Community, in Abuja.
The Foundation organized an awareness campaign, focused on ways to reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases, especially,Cholera which is currently a pressing public health concern in Nigeria Through engaging activities and informative sessions, community members were informed on the dangers associated with Cholera and provided crucial guidance on preventive measures to combat its spread.
Participants went through practical sessions on proper hand washing as a key preventive measure against infection and disease transmission.
By taking proactive steps, Gede aim to empower the established WASH Committee members at the community, to promote sanitation and hygiene behavior among the people including elimination of open defecation. The Community gatekeepers and other stakeholders showed commitment to support the established WASH Committee for subsequent planned activities, in order to attend open defecation free status and a healthier community.