On 29 May, 2019, approval was granted from Gede's Board of Directors and its Founder, Jennifer Douglas-Abubakar to enter a tripartite agreement between TTCG and CBM on piloting an anti-stigma campaign, addressing mental health problems in Abuja, Nigeria
Time to Change is a project based in England and Wales, involving a growing movement of people changing the thinking and actions about mental health. The campaign is run by charities— Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, where thousands of organisations have joined to make the necessary change happen.
In Nigeria, the project will help to improve public attitudes towards people with mental health problems, reduce the amount of discrimination people with mental health problems report in their personal relationships, and make sure even more people with mental health problems can take action to challenge stigma and discrimination in their communities, in workplaces, in schools and online.
The campaign will build in sustainability from the outset; the overall ambition is to support local champions and partners to embed anti-stigma work within local communities and organisations, and to robustly evaluate impact to enable learning to be shared and funding secured beyond the lifetime of this programme.
The Time to Change Global Programme is funded by the UK Government via the Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) and is managed by the Department of Health and Social Care.
Kindly visit the website in a couple of months to read more on the project activities.