Gede Foundation Calabar was part of a 1 day sensitisation meeting with NGOs/CSOs-CBOs/FBOs on Health Care Financing organised by Abt Associates and its partners and sponsored by USAID’s Health, Finance and Governance Project (HFG). The meeting was held in Calabar and had over 40 participants including representatives from State Ministry of Finance, Ministry of NGO/CSOs Affairs, Ministry of Health, State Agency for the Control of AIDS - SACA, Faith/Community-Based Organisations, Civil Society Organisation and Networks.
The purpose of the meeting was to sensitise participants on health care and service delivery systems as they relate to health insurance outcomes. Discussions were based on,(i) financing for health and HIV/AIDS through domestic resource mobilisation, and, (ii) enhancing good governance and support for Health Care Financing reforms. The meeting also acquainted participating CSOs/NGOs with the Cross River State’s health accounting process – Resource Tracking of Heath funds and presentation of the Cross River State road map on Health Insurance Scheme.
During discussions, the organisers were asked if resources/funds mobilised were only channelled to HIV/AIDS interventions and related illnesses and whether or not other health challenges, such as mental health could be addressed as well. In response, Mr. Ibiam Azu, the State Programme Coordinator (USAID Health Finance and Governance Project) explained that the HFG project is working with the Nigerian government to mobilise additional public funding for national HIV programming and this mobilisation is through the State’s Health Insurance scheme. This work includes generating financial evidence on the costs, impact, and sustainability of HIV efforts, using this evidence to mobilise additional resources, and ensuring efficient, effective, and equitable use of national HIV programming resources.
This meeting was the first of its kind in Cross River State. Abt Associate is also holding consultations with Line Ministries within the State and will be working with CSOs/NGOs within the State to advocate for mobilisation of funds for HIV/AIDS and its related illness.