Young people are particularly at risk of HIV infection, especially, those who may be sexually active.
Gede’s OVC Programme includes prevention activities that help young people to acquire basic knowledge about their sexuality, as it relates to infectious diseases and which is culturally appropriate. The workshop, aimed at sustaining an intervention (awareness raising) focused on developing ways in which HIV and other sexually-related infections could be prevented among young people. At the workshop, knowledge attitude and practice were assessed among 40 participants from different classes through interactive sessions. In particular, myths and preconceptions regarding sexuality were clarified at various sessions.
The Students demonstrated adequate levels of knowledge about HIV transmission, prevention and treatment (although usually rather elementary in nature) and were guided through the various sessions by trained and qualified facilitators. At the end, participants agreed to be more committed in strengthening the already existing anti-AIDS club in the school to be more effective in order to create the necessary impact among all the Students in the school and within local communities.
Students were left with one question: How can I be a change agent? Hopefully, this question will help the students to think, not only about themselves, but about their immediate communities and further. Furthermore, one can only hope that this question will leave them thirsty for more information and spread it as much as they can because "in vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others’ Deuteronomy Rabbah.