Mental Health and Mental Illnesses-The Affliction of the Fragmented Mind.


Many communities believe there is a clear dissimilarity among mental illness and psychological health but awfully often the dissimilarities are misinterpreted. Mental illness refers to adjustments in thinking, behaviors or emotions that create suffering and impaired functioning for the person concerned. Mental illness is frequently a consequence of biological changes in the brain. We can determine psychological health by more than the absence of mental illness, however, if an individual is not depressed, and does not have hallucinations or delusions they are probably not mentally ill, but that does not mean they are unavoidably psychologically healthy.

Mental health and mental illnesses are progressively being used as if they mean the same thing-but they are not the same. Everybody has mental health; the same way as each person has health. As the World health Organisation has said “There is no health without mental health.” During a lifetime, not everyone will experience a mental illness, but everybody will have challenges to their mental welfare. Mental health therefore refers to our cognitive and emotional welfare, that’s how we think, feel and behave.

Paranoia hallucinations, emotional withdraw. For a mental illness victim everyday life is a strange and terrifying journey. The symptoms represent what we know best about the illness- but what we don’t know is the reason why the symptoms have manifested themselves. Understanding the variation is significant since some people may think their distress is a result of a mental illness, which maybe a psychological health problem. Mental health illness affects both young men and woman and hassentmany of them into the state of endless mental agony. Mental illness is the affliction of the fragmented mind and wellbeing of our mental health. I always labeled it as the destroyer of a human spirit.

Written by

Obi Chukwuemeka Innocent PhD. Cand. RP.