Gede and CCM explore the impact of Mental Health on other Disease Burdens

The meeting between Gede’s Managing Director, Mr John Minto and the Chairman of Nigeria’s Country Coordinating Mechanism, Dr Dauda Suleiman, explored ways in which the two organizations can continue to support the national response to disease burden. The Global Fund grants are coordinated through the CCM and are framed by the specific country context in which they are written.


 The disease burden of HIV-AIDS, TB and Malaria are relatively well known and recognised. What is less recognised and understood is the link between, for example, common mental disorders and new HIV infections, as well as adherence to HIV medication.

Gede and CCM acknowledge the significance of mental health, especially, in care outcomes for people living with HIV-AIDS and the impacts on treatment cost.

A communication loop as been established to circulate relevant information among the two organizations (including Gede’s Prevalence Study Report on Depression, Alcohol Abuse and Suicidality) among 1000 people living with HIV-AIDS in the FCT to CCM members and also to advocate for inclusion of mental health services across board.