As regular readers of Gede blogs will know, the Foundation exists to bring underserved and stigmatised health burdens ‘out of the shadows’ through high quality research, catalytic partnerships and advocacy initiatives, all of which make a real difference at the community level. Building on our work over the last two years in particular, 2016 promises to be an exceptionally busy and rewarding year for Gede and will focus on –
- The publication and widespread dissemination of our 2015 Prevalence Study of common mental disorders in a sample of 1200 people living with HIV-AIDS in Abuja, Nigeria. This Study – one of the largest ever undertaken in Africa – has generated a great deal of attention from the development, mental health and HIV-AIDS communities and the final Report will be posted on the website
- The cultural validation of mental health screening tools for the benefit of those living with, and affected by, HIV-AIDS (including orphans and vulnerable children). Gede will work with leading partners to ensure that tools used for the screening, treatment and referral of key mental health conditions will be linguistically and culturally appropriate to those engaged by them which will help to limit mis-diagnosis and generate increasing levels of mental health awareness
- Working with our partners, NEPWHAN among others to ensure that mental health screening, treatment and referral skills are integrated into HIV-AIDS care and support platforms in ways which strengthen the role of Support Groups in mental health stigma reduction and general awareness raising
The Foundation will also be involved in other important activities such as supporting the work of the CSO Coalition on Mental Health; publishing Nigeria’s first Mental Health Directory; evolving our highly successful Mental Health Dialogue Programme; delivering our innovative Managing Stress in the Workplace Programme to a range of clients.
So, a busy year ahead! Please do return to our website regularly and remember – there is no health without mental health.
John Minto, Managing Director, Gede Foundation