GEDE and International Day Against Drug Abuse-2015

Every year, June 26 is observed as International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Gede joined other major agencies this year to commemorate this important day by organising A secondary school seminar in Cross River State and participating in Youth Reformation and Awareness Centre (YRAC) Conference in the FCT.
In Cross River, Gede partnered with UNICEM to deliver a school-based event in order to raise awareness on drug abuse and illicit trafficking as well as to address a range of serious consequences that could follow. Students in Akampa and Akpabuyo Local Governtment Areas took time to interact on the topic ‘Drugs, Alcohol and your Health’. Over 150 students participated during the event which ended with an interactive session to find ways to address youth’s involvement on drugs by using information, education and communication materials with positive health messages.

In the FCT, a similar event took place where Gede participated in a seminar organised by YRAC, aimed at seeking ways to get young people to be positively engaged as a foundation for avoiding drug abuse and illicit trafficking. Participants at the event agreed that raising awareness on drug abuse (and sustaining it) in rural communities will allow young people to make informed decisions about their future and will help to reduce the impact of drug on local communities. About 200 participants, mainly young people, registered in various vocational training opportunities during the event and asked to remain engaged with key activities aimed at addressing the scourge of drugs in the local communities.