HIV Infection and Depression- PLWHAs’ Comments

Gede’s HIV- prevention project in Oyo State (Sponsored by the World Bank) is reaching out to 3000 adults in 2 LGAs with activities designed to mitigate the impacts of the HIV infection in the State.

The one-year grant will contribute to the reduction in the incidence of HIV infection among adults in rural communities using the minimum prevention package intervention (MPPI) strategy with focus on Peer Group Sessions and Focus Group Discussions.

An important meeting was recently held in Oluyoro HIV treatment centre, with a group of PLWHA accessing ART services. Everyone in the group agreed that depression and HIV infection are inter-linked and that people living with HIV are more likely to require superior psychosocial support against the ‘regular’ counselling sessions.

This revelation from the group is significant and will add depth to Gede’s current prevalence study of depression, alcohol use and suicidality among 1200 people living with HIV-AIDS in the FCT. Stay on this page for more update on the survey