Earlier this week, Gede signed a new Memorandum of Understanding with our long time friends and partners, the Network of People Living With HIV-AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN). The signing followed a meeting between Gede’s Managing Director, John Minto, and NEPWHAN’s newly elected National Coordinator, Victor Omoshehin. The ‘new’ MoU places significant focus on mainstreaming the screening, treatment and referral of common mental disorders (including depression) throughout HIV-AIDS care and support, with a particular emphasis on developing ways in which support groups can be strengthened.

The MoU reflects the increasing recognition being given to the importance of mental health as it relates, in particular, to people who have been newly diagnosed. NEPWHAN’s support for the belief that ‘there can be no health without mental health’ marks an important point in the drive towards securing genuinely comprehensive treatment and care for all who need it. For further information about our partners, please see their website –