The ‘special recognition’ award given to Gede at NEPWHAN’s first ‘Tribute Ceremony’ served two purposes. First, it was a wonderful reflection and acknowledgement of the Foundation’s work within HIV-AIDS which now stretches back over a decade. Not only does it bring great credit on existing Team members, but also on those who have worked for, or been served by, Gede over the years. So, a very big thank you to everyone! Second, awards should always bring about in the ‘winner’ a significant degree of humility – most especially when one considers how much needs to be done for those living with and affected by HIV-AIDS.
In Gede’s case, this extends to working with leading partners to ensure that the case for integrating the screening, treatment and care of people living with HIV-AIDS and common mental disorders (such as depression) is secured – and then resourced and implemented. Without this, it is extremely unlikely that an HIV-AIDS free generation can ever be achieved and, no matter how many awards are received, they will remain empty for those still affected by the crushing twin burden of HIV and mental health illness. With that, it is perhaps fitting by ending this blog by thanking our friends at NEPWHAN once again, while assuring them that the award will help us to redouble our efforts in 2016 and beyond.