For any underserved and stigmatized health burden such as mental health, a lot is required to bring it ‘out of the shadows’. Gede Foundation and the CSO Coalition are taking different approaches to generate discussions around mental health. There is need to sustain the ‘dialogue’ as much as possible to relevant stakeholders, which will evolve eventually into tangible positive national responses. At Gede’s Mental Health Dialogue Programme, a significant attention is given to awareness raising around many issues relating to mental health and the dangers that are linked with stigma from the illness.
During the recent Mental Health Dialogue meeting, Emmanuel Osemeka of Social Welfare Network Initiative (SWNI) was able to present the importance of Advocacy as a tool in driving mental health issues to relevant stakeholders for maximum impacts and discussed the characteristic of a successful advocacy group.
In Nigeria for instance, Gede and the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations under the umbrella of Global Awareness for Mental Health Association is in the fore front to participate in any advocacy activity that will enhance inclusiveness of mental health across various health intervention programmes as well as promote the National Policy for the Delivery of Mental Health Services in Nigeria.
There is much to be articulated in making advocacy effective, kindly visit the site for more on the outcome of the Coalition advocacy activities.
For further details about Gede’s ‘Mental Health Dialogue Programme’ and to obtain the list of speakers for the rest of 2015, please email Olusolape Bamijoko on: