Mental Health Awareness Session at the Defense Medical Centre, Abuja

People with physical health conditions are at risk of developing poor mental health especially patient with chronic diseases. On September 15, 2014, Gede Foundation was at the Defense Medical Centre, Abuja to create awareness on mental health to patients accessing prenatal and maternity care, HIV counseling, HIV testing and treatment, and other medical care services at the clinic.

Patients at the session expressed concern at the barriers in managing common mental disorders (depression, anxiety and substance abuse), for newly diagnosed HIV patients. These barriers include stigma and a wide range of misconceptions surround HIV infection and mental health disorders.

Explanations were offered by the medical team from Gede Foundation to address those misconceptions and participants were encouraged to seek medical help promptly, talk to someone, join a support group, adhere to medication, observe good nutrition and engage in hopeful activities such games and exercise. Contact Ekaette Udoekong ( for further information.