Mental Health Self-Help Groups in the Workplace
As recent research has shown, many modern organisations in low and middle income countries tend to share a number of factors in common as they relate to ‘stress’ in the workplace -
An ‘individualised’ approach to stress management which is based on ‘silence’ which avoids addressing the root causes of the problem(s)
‘Internal stigma’ which is a key factor in preventing employees from reporting mental health issues to their Superiors and family members
Employees being prone to ‘burnout’ which can, over time, result in anxiety, depression, declining levels of physical activity, a poor work-life balance and, in a few rare and extreme cases, suicide.
In some cases, an overreliance on alcohol, over-the-counter sleep aids and drugs (including tobacco) as a coping mechanism.
Gede’s Managing Stress in the Workplace Programme is based on an assumption that the success of any such programme must be based on an engagement with, (i) employees themselves who are in the best position to identify the mental health stressors prevalent in their workplace environment, and, (ii) the appropriate workplace structures (such as the Human Resource Unit) which are tasked with the overall health of employees.
Working with key organisational Team members, Gede engages with its bank of qualified and experienced mental health experts (including Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Nurses, Nutritionists and Physical Therapists) in order to design an appropriate package of training which usually includes -
Establishing baseline data as related to the specific mental health challenges (including stigma) being faced by Team members.
Developing training protocols and materials (related mainly to mental health awareness, stigma, screening, treatment and referral which directly address the issues identified in establishing baseline as noted in 1)
Capacity build Team members (including, where appropriate, those working in the Human Resource Unit) to undertake/support the screening, treatment and referral of mental health conditions. This will also include ways in which to identify and address issues surrounding mental health stigma.
Starting the process of developing a workplace culture which promotes the identification of mental health issues in ways which promote the engagement of colleagues and family members. Initially, this will take the form of – uniquely - developing Workplace Mental Health Peer Support Groups, and,
Establishing a personalized mental health care plan for Team members who participate in the training programme.
Federal Inland Revenue Services, Katampe, Abuja
If you want to discuss the development of a bespoke stress reduction Programme for your team members, please contact Godwin Etim through or call +234 7030070934 for more information